Sunday, 14 November 2010

My reader profile

I created a reader profile to have a good understanding of my target audience and what they were interested in. Before creating it i looked a couple of other magazines reader profiles such as NME and Q - magazine.
They showed different electrical items, foods and other miscellaneous objects. For my features page i decided to use a combination of these along with an artist (Pete Doherty) who would appeal to my target audience as he fits the music genre of my magazine. Also on my reader profile i decided to put on some statistics to reflect who reads the magazine and also what the readers like/do in their free time.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

This question was helpful as i could see if people are willing to pay for music. The majority chose Itunes, this shows me that they are willing to pay for music so it gives me a good idea about the sort of price i could put on my magazine.

This question showed me how often people listen to new music. The majority was every week with the second highest at everyday. This shows that they have a high interest in new music and helps me know what to include in my features page, for example new and upcoming bands.
I decided to ask where people brought most of their clothes in my survey as from this i could interpret what sort of music they listen to and there interests. Most people chose Topshop/Topman or other. A large majority also chose designer brands, river island and H&M.

Most people chose the 'other' option on the question 'what music magazines do you like' this means that i will have to research into other music magazines and do more surveys to see what type they like. However a few people chose NME magazine which is the magazine most relevant to the sort i want to produce, this is helpful as i can look at NME for research and ideas for my own.
Most people chose the option of rock music and other in my survey. This means that i will have to do other research into other music genres to see what type people like. However quite a few people also chose drum and bass, accoustic and Indie music. This is relevant for my magazine as i wanted to focus on accoustic and Indie music mainly.

The majority of people who did my survey listen to music everyday, this shows that they are dedicated music lovers which helps me decide what sort of things to include in my features page. For example i will definatley include music articles on my features page rather than things to do with fashion music etc.
The majority of the people who took my survey were age 16-19 and one person was 20-22. This is appopriate for my magazine as i wanted to aim for the age group 16-20.

Most of the people chose the parties option when i asked what do you do at weekends, also they chose the option of pubs and seeing friends. This is important to my research as it shows that i need to include features that would be relevant to this is my magazine.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Survey Monkey research

This is my survey i made on survey monkey.
I produced this questionnaire to find out more about my target audience for my music magazine. This time i was able to send my questionnaire to people on facebook making it easier to find my target audience and ask more of a variety of people.

From doing this survey i found out a lot more about my target audience and what people liked. When making my survey i made the mistake of letting people choose more than one option on the multiple choice boxes. However i think this can be to my advantage as it allows me to see more of what people like rather than restricting them to one choice. I found out more of a variety of results from this questionnaire compared to my original questionnaire. This has helped me greatly with my music magazine as i now know more about who to target it at and have a definite on my age range for target audience.

Monday, 1 November 2010

My Questionnaire Results

Music questionnaire

View more presentations from Sarahwade.

Before creating my music magazine i did a hand written questionnaire and gave it out to people, this was to see what my target audience would be for my magazine and what sort of things they liked. This was done so i would know what to include in the features and articles in my magazine.