Friday, 22 October 2010

Evaluation of preliminary task


For my magazine I decided to do a healthy eating school magazine. I researched into different school magazines and healthy food magazines to get ideas for mine.

For the forms and conventions I used realistic cover lines and features on the front cover. I also decided to use an 'exclusive' as a banner going across the front page. I also used house colours of red and green, the green representing it being 'healthy.' I used a prominent mast head and a slogan above it. I used a medium close up of a student in my school holding an apple to enhance the healthy eating. I think these helped it to look realistic and professional. I used sans serif typography for both the front cover and for my contents page; I tried to stick to the house colours of the front page on the contents page also. I used a 'on the cover' feature to tell the reader what pages the features were that were on the front page. I also decided to use a picture of healthy food and unhealthy food and put the 'Good vs. bad' feature next to it to give readers a preview of what that page was about.

My media product represents the whole of the school social groups so it would be for working class students, it is targeted at a wide age range from 12 – 18, it is targeted at both male and females. The kind of media Institutions that would distribute my product would be schools who want to encourage healthy eating I n their own school.

I addressed and attracted my audience by using an eye catching image on a paler background making it stand out more and draw the reader's eye. I also used a large masthead in a prominent typeface and colour. Another feature I used to attract the audience was the 'exclusive' at the bottom of the magazine. I also used direct address on the front cover by saying 'what's really in your meal?' On the contents page again I used pictures of food to give the reader an insight into the magazine.

From the process of constructing this product I have learnt skills of how to take a medium close up photo and how to edit it so there was no backdrop around the person so it was able to be put on a different background. I also learnt skills using Photoshop and about the different typefaces and colours.

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